The cards originally dealt by the computer on the gaming table are arranged in ten columns. All 104 cards are stacked and lay face down, with only the top cards turned face up. When you pick up the top card from the pile for moving it to another place, you can turn over the following card.
Redistribute the cards between the piles according to the principle: the lower card is put on the higher one, that is, 3 can be put on 2, Queen on King, the Ace on 2. Free cells can be used to store other cards or stacked piles. If you have collected a whole row from King to Ace, move this stack to the top row, where the whole ordered stack will be presented as one Ace. If there are no more options for shifting, use the rest of the deck located on the upper left.
The goal of the Spider Solitaire One Suit card game is to parse all ten piles in order from King to Ace and put them in the eight upper cells.
Descending sequences of the same suit from King to Ace are removed from the playing field. You can put a card on a unit of lower value without taking into account the suit, along with the cards laying on it. The descending sequence of cards of the same suit can be dragged. You can put any card in an empty cell. Clicking on the deck lays out another row of cards. If at least one game slot is free, you cannot layout a new row of cards.
The goal of the game is to collect the entire suit of thirteen cards in ascending order from Ace to King. If the game on the initially common layout has reached an impasse, deal another ten cards, one for each pile. Continue to do the same, dealt a new row of ten cards. Each empty place in the pile must be filled before a new row of ten cards is dealt.